Guest Blog for Grade 4


Hey mystery bloggers here today we will tell you about JK and gr.4 shabbat together.



Last time we where together We did tefilla In our classroom and before we did Shabbat songs in their classroom .

  Here is a list of some of the songs and tefilla we did. 

  • 271/שלום עליכם

  • 404/אין כאלהינו

  • 268 / אדון עולם

  • 222/ לכו נרה

  • 265 / עלינו

Heads up not all of them are there  and not in order.


Up coming holiday activates

The next holiday coming up is passover and we did a kahoot about it and the JKs are very smart.



For Purim the JKs did a puppet show for us in their classroom it was amazing .

here are more photos of the kahoot.





When we where in their class they showed us some of the songs they like for shabat.

Bye have a good week.

Ma pizza

Pour notre project dans la classe de francais nous avons fait un project canva sur notre pizza prefere Ma pizza prefere c’est une avec

Des oignons frits

Du  fromage 

du pepperoni aux plantes

Du pain

 de la sauce tomate

 et des epinards

Cliuez ici puor mon canva